My best friends live way too far away. Ohio, Pennslvania, Maryland, Iowa, Minnesota, Tennesee, Nevada, South Carolina, Alabama, Indiana . . . and I'm stuck here in California. But about a month ago, I was able to see all of them at a reunion in Lancaster, PA. :) So this blog post is devoted to you guys.
These are the friends who hugged me every time they saw me, made me laugh 'til my sides hurt, were there for me when I was in tears, the ones I knew were there through thick and thin.
You all are the ones I can tell everything to, turn to for anything, and know that there are kids who love me dearly. As my beautiful friend Emilyann says, "it's like having the best support group in the world."
Nico, Justin, Wilbur, Daniel, Myles, You guys were so funny. I mean, you had to be - after all, you made James smile! ;) But thanks for bringing so much fun to the gathering, I'll NEVER forget the laughter we all shared that week.
It's so hard that all of us live so far apart . . . But our friendships are the strongest that we've ever had. The heart grows fonder when it's apart from those it loves, and we all love each other a ton.
Nico loved my sunglasses. :P
Haha. Anyway. For me, ya'll are way more then friends just to have fun with. It's something much deeper than that.
It's about walking with your sisters in Christ, there to support and inspire each other. Girls you have been such an inspiration to me. :)
Elizabeth, Lauren, Valentine and Amanda, it was so amazing getting to know you both better. I miss you!
Ryan, well . . . What can I say? Besides the fact that I love you? That pretty much sums it up. ;)
And to my Emilies - Emilyann and Emily C., my best friends, my soul sisters, I'll never forget those little moments we had together that were so amazingly special. Counting down the days till I see you girls again.
Em, being in classes with you for four years, and getting to see you only a few times, never takes away from the friendship we have. It probably even makes it stronger. I'd love to see you EVERY DAY, bestie. But, a few days a year I guess will have to do. Come back next year. I miss you, girlie.
It's also great being around brothers in Christ who have your back - who'll step in if they see a problem. Respectful, fun, amazing young men who are such an encouragement and joy.
Wilbur and Myles - my own special J brothers ;) We seem to have more inside jokes then the entire school combined. You guys are amazing. (Wilbur you'll be more amazing when you COME BACK to Myles and me in two weeks ;) )
Next year . . . We're going to rock that talent show (maybe). :p Miss you guys, so much.
Oh and Nico.
You made my week. ;) Seeing how fun you were all year, and finally getting to meet you, was really great. You have one of the spunkiest personalities out there and I had a blast, getting to know you. Can't wait to see you next year!
We all share a bond that's so, so special. And I love each and every one of you. So thank you, for being my best friends. =) Leaving ya'll was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Everyone of you are still in my thoughts and prayers!
~Lauren Lee